Stochastic User Equilibrium in Charging Station Selection Based on Discrete Choice Model


Increased electric vehicle penetration relies on the convenient availability of charging services. Interestingly, modeling EV route choice is challenging since drivers’ route choices are not deterministic, due to imperfect knowledge of charging costs, among other factors. In this paper, the main novelty is idealizing drivers’ route choice by a discrete choice model. Their interaction with the traffic network is formulated as a traffic assignment problem in supernetworks. The stochastic user equilibrium (SUE) model captures the stochasticity of drivers’ choice and its coupled relationship with traffic networks. Simulations compare the total cost and flow distribution under different perceived errors and with other equilibrium models. Results show that different levels of stochasticity influence charging route choice greatly. Additionally, the influence of charging price and road capacity on flow distribution is also revealed. The relationship between charging price, road capacity and flow distribution may serve as a useful tool for system operators to improve system efficiency and travelers’ benefits at the same time.

2018 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM)